Tokenplace Update - 8/30/2022. Tech Team:.

30 Aug 2022, 09:56
Tokenplace Update - 8/30/2022 Tech Team: The Tokenplace tech team is currently in a transition period, and we are revamping our staff. Our previous CTO, CISO, and their team represented a specialized Dev Studio, which we hired at the beginning phase of our project to build the core infrastructure. That part of the process has been completed thoroughly and successfully. We are transitioning to a different team, hiring a variety of new talent, and expanding our capabilities in the backend as well as frontend development. DEX Tools Feature: Tokenplace’s DEX feature is going next-level due to high demand from our community and early adopters. We are pushing ahead to expand the capabilities of our DEX tools. The new version of this feature will be game-changing: we are bringing a large and powerful variety of new smart order types, in addition to the unique multi-chain DEX tool we already have. TOK Token: As the industry hunkers down to wait out another crypto winter, our strategy for TOK remains to expand to bigger and better exchanges. We have already been pre-approved for multiple exchanges, and are in negotiations with some top Tier One exchanges for listing as soon as market conditions improve. 🐳🐳🐳 Despite unprecedented turmoil and bear market conditions in the industry, Tokenplace and our core team continue to grow and develop. In times like these, as we continue to work hard and innovate, it is important to keep an eye on the big picture: a single, user-friendly window for the whole crypto market in the era of mass adoption.